Construction Design Management
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What is CDM?
CDM applies throughout the construction industry regardless of your role, you will most likely have
some form of CDM duties that must be followed. With the aim of improving health and safety
within the industry, this can be done by taking certain things into account when working;
By planning ahead of time how future works can be managed and understanding what works are needed.
Ensuring the correct people and skills are being utilised for the job at hand, whilst knowing there own risk and liabilities when undertaking these roles.
Communicating with all sub consultants and contractors to ensure that work is carried out appropriately.
Making sure that the correct/up to date information for tasks and products is at hand.
It is a primary legislation throughout the UK for commencing the use of the Health and Safety
at Work Act 1974 within the industry. Whereas statutory instruments are those of a secondary
legislation created through the Acts of parliament. Key examples of these include; the Control of
Asbestos, Working at Height, and CDM.
Projects of all types and sizes are planned and governed in accordance with the use of the
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. Improving the overall health, safety
and welfare for all those working in construction. A comprehensive understanding is given for what
is characterised as a construction project. Unfortunately in recent times it has been noted 85%
of affected businesses fail to recognise themselves to be within the definition of the construction
Sanctionable by Criminal law, CDM 2015 establishes the clear and distinct duties for all
participants of a construction project. Once the CDM Regulations 2007, the Construction (Design
and Management) Regulations 2015 were later enforced on the 6th of April 2015.